Your safety and security is of utmost importance. We would like to ensure that all our members stay safe during any transaction through the app. Please follow the guidelines:
Please make sure to call the person before agreed time and refuse help if someone turns up without notification.
It is preferable, if you are helping someone with the deliveries, to leave on doorstep and move away from the premises.
If someone comes to your door and you are expecting him/her still you are advised to confirm and varify the identity of other person and if you are not comfortable do not open the door and request doorstep delivery.
Always agree a reasonable time for transaction.
Please do not let your children answer the door.
Members are advised not to share personal and sensitive information with anyone. If you suspect anyone please report to us at or use Contact Us from app.
Please follow COVID-19 guidelines for safe and secure transctions during pandemic. These guidelines are incompliance with Government.
While offering or accepting volunteer services please follow Government's guidelines on social distancing and contactless services.
Please keep safe distance i.e. 2 meters, during the services and always use face masks.
Use hand sanitisers with atleast 60% alcohol or wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds before and after transaction and disinfect the high-touch surfaces.
If you or any member in your family is showing symptoms related to COVID-19 please cancel pending transations.
share2care team has healthcare professionals onboard to help members during the pandemic. Please feel free to reach us at or use Contact Us from app.
For latest updates related to COVID-19 pandemic, please visit WHO COVID-19 site